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HSR Heart Sound Graph                  HEART SOUND WORKSHOP
heart beat pulse graph.jpg
$125.00 each (4-6) limit
The Heart Sound Recorder is a computer-based low risk general wellness monitor which uses the principles of auscultation to acquire, display, record and save heart sounds.
Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by visualizing the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart cycle. As a result, the hearts reaction to certain stressors, i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional, can be observed using this type of device. The response to informed suggestions can be monitored by observing changes of the frequency, ratio, amplitude and characteristics of the hearts waveform. Comparison graphs can help determine the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of life.

As with any wellness device, recommendations for lifestyle changes implied by using this technology should be undertaken only with the guidance of a licensed physician, therapist, or holistic practitioner. The findings from this device can be used to support, but should not be used in place of sound medical therapies and recommendations. 


The Age Less Vitality Workshops are completed in two parts and focused on finding your target nutritional needs using the hair analysis lab test to scientifically determine your mineral ratio balance, vitamin deficiencies and toxic heavy metals. With this first base line lab test you will receive your personal syllabus book providing recommendations in easy to understand language. Workshops are completed in two sessions three weeks apart. The first session is your test and the second your review. Both workshops are included in one fee which covers your labs, and review with recommendations. 

$299.00 (all inclusive)

 Doc Marie Gagne' 

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